Legion Y530 15ich Laptop Lenovo Type 81fv
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Legion y530 15ich laptop lenovo type 81fv. Dengan ukuran ketebalan 24 mm dan berat 2 3 kg laptop lenovo legion y530 didesain ulang untuk memberikan keseimbangan antara performa gaming yang epik dan portabilitas yang praktis. Legion y530 15ich. At 24 mm and 2 3 kg the lenovo legion y530 laptop was redesigned to deliver the ideal balance between epic gaming performance and practical portability. Legion y530 15ich laptop lenovo type 81fv product home.
Laptop gaming yang tebal sudah ketinggalan zaman dan kini saatnya memiliki mesin yang bernilai bergaya namun tetap kuat. The bulky gaming laptops of old are gone and now is the time to embrace a machine that is worthy of you stylish on the outside savage on the inside.